This is not a question meant to raise argument based on technicalities but just a common sense question meant to challenge those in power based on morals and the willingness to just do what’s right. When a number of MP’s have been consistently presented with information, that if acted upon has the power to prevent loss of life of children and to prevent families across the country from suffering but they choose wilfully not to act on that information, then when does that become Criminal negligence.
Going into 2020 after the recent General Election a meeting has been arranged in principle with Alex Cunningham the MP for Stockton North and will be held in Parliament with MP’s from across the UK in February of the New Year and we await confirmation of that from Alex’s office which was delayed before Christmas due to staff illness but other than that our families have been grateful for his pro active stance on the matter so far. The meeting will take place after a number of failures by numerous MP’s to engage in proposed meetings with the evidence and the campaign, when in doing so would undoubtedly have increased the opportunities to put things in place that would lower the risks of children taking their own lives or being harmed as a consequence of bullying and violence being ignored in schools.
The evidence we have shows that since the first meetings were proposed to MP’s and those invitations declined a number of children have been harmed or lost their lives with evidence to show this was as a result of the continued failure of MP’ to act to address a number of concerns.
We will now hope that with Alex Cunningham taking the lead in agreeing to meet with families and the campaign in Parliament, that as many MP’s as possible will finally accept invitations to meet at the same time. We hope that there never has to come a time, when the question of whether or not certain MP’s are Criminally negligent will have to be asked in relation to further deaths and incidents, now that this opportunity to change things is being presented in Parliament itself come the New Year.