Our campaign has consistently stated that based on evidence and the testimonies of families, that have had their children seriously harmed or who have lost children to suicide due to failures to address bullying, physical and sexual violence in schools, that UK schools may not be the safest place for every child to be.
Despite those concerns, Government and Ministers have chosen to remain completely silent on the issue, despite damning criticisms in the High court regarding their failures to investigate or discuss the subject.
Where they and the media don’t want to ask questions because they don’t want to hear the answers, the opposite is true of parents/carers and advocates. The reason for this is simple. If they ever choose to defend the criticism, they know they’ll draw attention to the failures that they desperately want to hide. The moment they publicly acknowledge there could be a problem, is the moment they open the door to exposing exactly what is happening in schools.
That’s why our campaign is now going to place the power into your hands and give you the power, to ensure that we are successful in our quest for a public inquiry.
We want anyone who is passionate about children being safe in school, to actively help us push for a UK-wide public inquiry, within your local communities. Social media can be great but when it comes to getting people to take action, rather than just spectate, nothing beats engaging with others in the community and sharing your passion face to face.
To do this we’ve made things as easy as possible. We’ve produced the postcard (pictured below), that can be handed out in your community. The postcard briefly highlights the facts and the call for an inquiry and points people to the website Publicinquirynow.co.uk . There they can watch the short video story of the call for an inquiry, as well as contact their MP and share the simple request that can be found on the ‘Contact your MP‘ section of the website asking MP’s to support one.
If you would like to be involved you can either go straight to the site, follow the instructions and contact your MP. If you would like to be more involved and order postcards, please get in touch through the contact form on this site or email admin@fightforthefatherless.org or direct message or comment on any of our Fight for the fatherless in action social media, on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Jason Barnett