Children’s safety must be a priority

I had felt that the main fight for Justice across the globe would involve dealing with injustices in some of the poorer regions of the world and had no idea that the most tragic injustices of our time would be unfolding in my home country.

Over the last few months I have heard more and more reports of violence in UK schools but more importantly I hear more and more how nothing is being done by those in power to address the issues. Hearing the frustrations of so many parents who feel they have no power to ensure that their children are safe in schools make me more determined to ensure that the system is changed for the better.

After years of raising the issue, my only request has been at the very least to have a few minutes with the relevant people in power particularly the Education and Shadow Education Ministers, the Children’s Commissioner and the Education Select Committee to present evidence of the issues and problems but more importantly the simple solutions.

I don’t know what it will take for those in power to place the safety and well being of our children above any other political considerations but day by day I’ll continue to raise the issues and in the meantime strive to learn more and more about what it will take to bring about a better and safer environment for all our children.

Dominic Mizon had his faced stamped on by a gang at school 3 weeks after his Father Sean had warned OFSTED that his son was in danger and nothing was done. (Pic BPM)