
The ‘Fight for the Fatherless’ is not an organisation or a charity of any kind but simply a Jesus inspired idea, dedicated to inspire and encourage some of the world’s most vulnerable children, especially the orphaned and fatherless.

As a Christian and the founder of that movement, I am also active in fighting and advocating for changes to laws and legislation that will best protect ALL children. That’s where ‘Fight for the Fatherless In Action’, alongside others will allow me to do just that.

The world at the moment is broken but the solution isn’t complicated. Loving God, loving people and the protection of the most vulnerable and putting children first is the foundation for a society that works.

This site will aim to raise awareness about how the systems can be challenged, with the first aim to address bullying, physical and sexual violence in schools across the UK and then globally.

Jason Barnett – Founder of ‘Fight for the Fatherless’. 

The Call for a Public Inquiry into Bullying, Physical and Sexual Violence in UK Schools.

In 2021 a High Court case determined, that on the face of the evidence, the failure of Ministers and MPs to ever investigate concerns regarding bullying and violence related suicides and harms in schools, demonstrated “tremendous incompetence”. In turn, this led to a call for a public inquiry into the issues.

The Call was made to the Prime Minister in April 2023. His handling of the matter and further failures, led to further Court proceedings and a call for his resignation and subsequently the decision to stand against him in the 2024 General Election.

Find out more about the call for an Inquiry and the General Election Campaign at our dedicated site

School Violence – A British Pandemic – Movie

As a parent, what lengths would you go to, to protect your child from harm? How would you feel if your child was a victim of bullying physical or sexual violence in school and that information was kept from you?

This short 13 minute video story of our campaign up to the summer of 2020, will tell the truth, of how the law allows this to happen everyday in schools and the simple steps you as a parent can now take to prevent a tragedy happening to your child. Please share this, comment and get involved in getting this story out there and helping us build pressure on Government to change policies to save lives.

Safer Schools Campaign UK

The Safer Schools campaign is a national campaign group connected to over 150 UK families, that have lost children to suicide or had children suffer serious harm due to bullying, physical and sexual violence in schools.

Our campaign over the years has led to meetings in Parliament and eventually to a hearing in the High Court in 2021, where complaints of a deliberate failure of the Education Secretary to investigate the issues were heard, which in turn led to an official call in 2022 for a public inquiry.

To find out more about the call or our founder standing at the 2024 General Election, click here.

The Story of Fight for the Fatherless

As the founder of the Fight for the Fatherless, I was fortunate to be born into a supportive family in the UK, loved and cared for by both parents and brought up with the knowledge that I was created and therefore loved and valued by God. Unfortunately growing up I was subjected to many instances of Racism and violence.

As a consequence I left home at 15 and knew that at this point my life was beginning to and could have spiralled completely out of control but it was over the next few years that various Role models reinforced how valuable I was especially to God consistently encouraging me and giving me hope that I’d achieve great things. This was the key to saving my life and eventually helping me to fulfil my potential and become a World Natural Bodybuilding Champion.

I was determined that  I would be that voice and Father – figure for others and so for over 20 years I was committed to working with children and specifically those, who for many tragic reasons, may have lost one or both parents or who at some point, have suffered the trauma of a disconnection with a parent or parents for various reasons.

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