3 vulnerable School Children have died since June with Bullying and a failure for the system to address the concerns being a central issue In 2 if not all 3 cases. Alongside these deaths there have been numerous cases in the press where children such as the Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi and Dominic Mizon a young boy with Autism have both been seriously assaulted after alleged safeguarding complaints to schools and then OFSTED in the latter cases were allegedly ignored.
All these cases raise questions as to whether or not the schools, OFSTED and DfE complaints systems and the issues I’ve presented time and again are much more widespread than I’ve been able to evidence so far. I state again for the record that unless action is taken we are going to see an increase in serious injuries and deaths where a failure for safeguarding concerns to be dealt with was a contributory factor
In the case of Shukri Abdi (Right of picture) a 12 year old girl found in a river and Sam Connor (left of picture) who tragically committed suicide by laying down in front of a train 2 days ago, it was alleged that both had been bullied relentlessly but complaints not addressed. Christopher (centre of picture) also drowned recently and it has been suggested by some but only on social media that he had been a victim of unresolved bullying complaints previously.
When those in power and who are responsible for the safety of children in schools are fully aware that the systems for protecting children are broken but refuse to act, as far as I see this constitutes acts of omission as well as negligence. The question is how many deaths and serious incidents will it take for those requested to act, to do so?